Summer Storage
Summer Boat Storage in Wrightsville, PA
Located in Wrightsville, Pennsylvania, Long Level Marina is a premier destination for boat sales, service, parts, rentals, and storage for owners in York and Lancaster counties. We offer safe and secure summer boat storage beginning on April 15th and ending on October 15th. Learn more about our offerings and the importance of reliable summer storage.
Our Summer Boat Storage Services
Boat owners without adequate space to store their vessels on their property need to make other accommodations. Long Level Marina can offer safe and secure in-season storage to owners in Wrightsville, PA, and neighboring communities. Our summer boat storage services are available seven days a week from 9:00 a.m. until ramp time.
Storage rates are based on the entire six months of the summer season (April-October) and are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances. All storage balances are due April 1st. There will be a 3% surcharge for those who wish to pay with a credit or debit card. Boats will not be eligible for in/out service until storage payments are paid in full. All open accounts must be up to date before acceptance of summer storage reservations.
Boat owners wishing to store their vessels at Long Level Marina must ensure their crafts carry a minimum of $500,000 liability insurance. Owners must comply with our Boat Space Rental Agreement.
To better serve our customers, ramp times are strictly enforced. Owners must call ahead and are expected to arrive no later than the ramp time.
Summer Storage Options
Boat owners can have their vessels stored inside or outside. Both options offer safe and secure storage. All storage spots include prompt in and out service using our New Holland and Kubota Tractors.
Outside Storage
Outside storage space is available for boats up to 27 ft. long. A boat's length is determined by the length stated on the owner's registration card.
- Outside storage - $85/foot
Inside Locked Storage
Inside storage space is available for boats up to 25 ft. and 32 ft. in overall length. Overall length is measured from outdrive to the trailer hitch.
- Buildings A and B - $2,650 up to 25 ft. overall length (at LLM discretion)
- Buildings C and D - $3,180 up to 32 ft. overall length (at LLM discretion)
Reasons to Consider Summer Boat Storage
Proper in-season storage is crucial to maintaining your boat. When a vessel is not in use, it must be properly stored to avoid rust, discoloration, and general wear and tear. Long Level Marina provides customers with a safe and hassle-free solution for storing your boat during the summer. With a capacity for more than 400 boats, we also take away the stress and inconvenience of hauling your vessel back and forth from your home to the water. We keep your boat safe, protected, and provide easy access when you’re ready to go in and out of the water. At Long Level Marina, we strive to minimize the time you’re looking after your vessel so you can focus on enjoying your time on the river. Call us today about our storage services to learn more.
Find Summer Boat Storage at Long Level Marina
Looking for safe keeping of your watercraft during summer months? With over 400 dry storage spaces, Long Level Marina is the premier boat storage location on the Susquehanna River and the west shore of Lake Clarke in Wrightsville, PA. To better serve the needs of our customers throughout York and Lancaster counties, we offer indoor and outdoor storage solutions. We also have winter storage options to protect your boat during the off-season. To learn more about our summer boat storage services, or to make a reservation, contact us today at Long Level Marina.
Please note: All previous summer season storage customers have first priority over storage spots. Turnaround varies year-to-year, depending on the overall length of your boat vs. the size of the spot available. Waitlists are only valid per season and renew each year (excluding indoor summer storage). Long Level Marina provides premium level Summer Boat Storage solutions for boat owners in Wrightsville, York, Lancaster, Columbia, and the surrounding areas in York and Lancaster counties. Store your boat on the water’s edge with instant access to Lake Clarke and the Susquehanna River during the active Summer months with a boat storage provider that specializes in taking care of your boat in a professional manner. Enjoy the peace of mind which comes with knowing your boat is being taken care of by people who care about your boat as much as you do!
Boat Space Rental Agreement Conditions:
- Landlord will retain the right to designate storage space. Every effort will be made to assign Tenant the storage space of his/her choice: however, the rights of other Tenants and the Landlord’s business judgement will also be relevant factors in the assignment of storage space.
- Landlord may refuse to rent space to any person for any reason allowed by law.
- All boat space rent will be payable at the start of each season unless other terms are agreed to by Landlord.
- Tenant agrees not to sell, transfer, assign or permit the use of his/her assigned space without the express written consent of the Landlord.
- If Tenant desires to store a boat other than the craft referenced on the reverse side of this Agreement, he/she must obtain the permission of Landlord and pay any additional charges.
- Only those persons specified on the reverse side of this Agreement will be permitted to operate the boat in the marina. Landlord will not be liable should someone other than those listed on the Agreement operate the craft without the Tenant’s permission.
- Tenant agrees not to hold Landlord liable for any loss caused by any delay in launching, winter storage transporting, or commissioning caused by weather or any other event beyond the control of Landlord.
- Landlord does not guarantee the electrical service will be continuous. Tenant will not use the marina’s electrical outlets to operate power tools, equipment, machinery, etc. unless permission has been given by Landlord.
- Uses of any open flame device, toxic chemicals or any other hazardous equipment or supplies in the docking area is prohibited.
- Tenant will use the docks and attached facilities for reasonable and typical boating activities. Tenant will keep the dock area clear of all gear, tackle, and other obstructions. Tenant agrees not to dispose of waste or trash (including treated or untreated sewage from the heads or holding tanks) in the harbor or docking area. Tenant will not cause damage to the docking facility through excessive wear and tear, create any unnecessary disturbance or nuisance, or store rubbish on the docking facility.
- Tenant may work on his/her boat in the marina as long as such work does not interfere with the rights of other Tenants or the operation of the marina. If Tenant wishes to have someone other than himself or an employee of Landlord work on his boat on the marina property, prior written approval must be obtained from Landlord. Such approval will be granted only if Landlord’s service department cannot perform the required repairs to the boat and/or the outside serviceman can deliver to Landlord evidence of a standard certificate of workman’s compensation and liability insurance coverage.
- No person, without the express written consent of the Landlord, may engage in any type of commercial activity on the marina property or docks. Commercial activity includes, but not limited to, selling, or demonstrating for sale boats or other property performing repairs or services for such a fee charge, or carrying passengers for hire.
- If Tenant violates any of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement or those posted in the marina facilities, Landlord will have the option of terminating this Agreement upon 10 days within notice to Tenant. Tenant must remove his/her boat from the marina prior to the end of the 10-day period.
- Landlord will have statutory maritime liens (state and federal) upon boat, motor and attached equipment to secure any and all services and materials supplied to Tenant by Landlord during the term of this Agreement. This Agreement will be construed and governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
- Tenant will not remove his/her boat from the rented storage space until all charges secured by the liens described in item 14 have been paid in full.
- Tenant agrees to reimburse landlord for reasonable attorney fees and costs relating to a suit or other collection efforts by Landlord against Tenant to collect any amounts due under this Agreement or any amounts due and secured by the liens described in item 14 of this Agreement.
- If Tenant fails to remove in a timely manner his/her boat and equipment from the rented boat space at the termination of this Agreement, Landlord will have the option of:
- Automatically renew storage agreement from season to season at the Landlord’s prevailing rate, or
- Charging Tenant daily rent on a pro-rated basis for the space occupied, or
- Taking possession of the boat and equipment and locking it to the space occupied, or
- Moving the boat and equipment to another location, or
- Pursuing any other remedy available under law.
- If Tenant chooses to terminate contract at any time during agreed upon start and end dates, indicated on reverse-side of this agreement, a refund is at discretion of Landlord and not guaranteed.
- INSURANCE: Tenant agrees to have the watercraft covered by a full marine insurance package (hull coverage as well as indemnity and liability coverage). Tenant agrees to release and discharge Landlord from any and all responsibility or liability for injury (including death), loss, or damage to persons or property in connection with Landlord’s facility or marina. This release and discharge will cover without limitation any loss or damage resulting from Landlord’s employees parking or hauling Tenant’s boat, vandalism, theft, fire, hail, high/low water, wind, collision, ice, rain, or any other act of God. Tenant MUST provide an insurance certificate listing “1809 Long Level Marina Inc.” as additional insured. Certification must be presented at time of arrival. Liability coverage MUST be a minimum of $500,000.
- If Tenant fails to make his/her storage space rental payment, Landlord may use either of the remedies set forth in item 17. If Landlord chooses the remedy in item 17, (d.) Landlord may rent the space to another Tenant.
- Tenant will deliver to Landlord duplicates of all keys required to access and operate his/her boat as necessary. Landlord will enter Tenant’s boat only for periodic inspection or in the event of emergency.
- In an emergency situation, Landlord will be permitted to move Tenant’s unattended boat to a safer location if possible. Landlord will not be required to provide this service. In the event such service is provided, Tenant will be billed at Landlord’s prevailing rates for the service rendered. Tenant will be required to pay all costs incurred by Landlord on Tenant’s behalf. Tenant will indemnify and hold Landlord safe and harmless from any and all liability, injury, loss, or damage caused by or resulting to Tenant’s boat due to an emergency situation.
- NO trespassing on the marina boat storage areas except for boat storage clients, family and invited guests. The boat storage area is not open to the public. Tenant is responsible for the conduct of his/her guests. All persons using the marina facilities must conform to reasonable standards of conduct and behavior in order that all may enjoy the facilities. Violation of federal, state, or local laws and regulations, failure to comply with marina rules, disorderly conduct, intoxication, the use of foul or abusive language, and like behavior will be cause for immediate dismissal of the offender and cancellation of this Agreement.
- During summer season hours, any time after ramp time, Lots 2, 3 & 4 are OFF LIMITS to everyone.
- NOBODY is to remove their boat from location without notifying the marina management first.
- Trailer jacks are required on all watercraft stored on trailers. Watercraft and trailers must be maintained in a safe and seaworthy condition in order to remain on marina property.
- Marina Trailer Safety Checks are required at the start of every summer storage season and Tenant must have all components of safety check in working order to store boat with the marina and take advantage of in and out services.
- Car parking is in the designated areas only. In the event it is necessary to move car or trailer in the absence of the owner, the cost of such service will be charged to the Tenant. No vehicles are allowed on lakefront ramp during operating hours. Storage clients only are permitted on lakefront ramp after marina operating hours. No private vehicles are permitted inside any buildings.
- Tenant must have their boat ready for launch BEFORE notifying water traffic control for pick-up and launch. If you are launching or retrieving before or after our hours, you MUST notify LLM so accommodations can be made.
- Gas dock usage is limited to fueling your boat during operating hours. No boat will be permitted to fuel until the engine and all other machinery is off. During our busy time, limit all dock usage to 15 minutes. Do not linger on docks until after marina operating hours.
- CHILDREN AND NON-SWIMMERS MUST BE SUPERVISED AROUND DOCKS AND THE RIVERFRONT AT ALL TIMES. Boat owners are responsible for seeing that children and non-swimmers wear personal floatation devises at all times when on or around the docks.
- No refueling of boats is permitted inside any building, or anywhere on marina grounds aside from at fuel pump or fuel dock.
- Ramp time is strictly enforced. Customers must be in our mooring areas no later than the ramp time to be pulled out of the water. A SURCHARGE SHALL BE ASSESSED IF ANY CUSTOMER IS NOT IN OUR MOORING AREA AT RAMP TIME AND REQUIRES PULLED OUT.
- Boat must be picked up by the end of the Summer (October 15th) and Winter (April 15th) seasons or a daily storage charge will begin at $25 a day. Effective August 2022.
*Long Level Marina provides premium level Summer Boat Storage solutions for boat owners in Wrightsville, York, Lancaster, Columbia, and the surrounding areas in York and Lancaster counties. Store your boat on the water’s edge with instant access to Lake Clarke and the Susquehanna River during the active Summer months with a boat storage provider that specializes in taking care of your boat in a professional manner. Enjoy the peace of mind which comes with knowing your boat is being taken care of by people who care about your boat as much as you do!